繼一個季度前申請 49 元換電池無果厚,前幾天小米售後竟然電話通知浅羽說:電池到貨了,可以換電池了。浅羽確認更換電池價格依然爲 49 元後,因爲小米售後創建的工單顯示是「自行到店維修」,因此詢問可否寄修。對此小米售後的回覆是肯定的,但要求解除鎖定螢幕密碼並自行備份好重要資料。
浅羽的手機上沒有什麼重要資料,但照片、聊天之類的私隱內容不帶密碼地交到陌生人手上終歸是不放心。所以當然,先用 Titanium Backup 備份一遍所有程式的資料,再用 TWRP 備份 Data 分割區,最後把照片和備份資料全都移動到電腦上,寄一臺空手機維修。進入 TWRP 後顯示 Data 分割區備份約需要 11G,但開始備份後很快就中止了,生成的備份檔只有 500M 不到,並且還有錯誤提醒:
createTarFork() process ended with ERROR: 255
TWRP backs up data.
TWRP fails to backup. The error message is [createTarFork() process ended with ERROR: 255].
TeamWin/Team-Win-Recovery-Project#1373: createTarFork() process ended with ERROR: 255 when trying to back up data with multiple users
I experience the same problem with my device (Chiron) using both the latest and previous TWRP versions.
When I decrypt the device in TWRP there are still some encrypted folders:– /data/user/10
– /data/misc_ce/10
– /data/system_ce/10
These folders belong to a second user profile (in my case created by the app cloner ‘Island’)
DrFunx – issuecomment-457226514
Besides deleting the second user with
pm remove-user [user_id]
, is there any other workaround for this issue? This affects any phone/ROM that uses android’s FBE when creating a new profile (pretty much all of them), and has been ongoing for quite some time (almost an year that I remember).Is it too hard to just skip all the other profile’s directories (or everything that’s file-based encrypted for that matter) when using TWRP to backup and restore?
esauvisky – issuecomment-461204954
Well, if you’re fine with the data being removed for your dual apps, please try flashing this before trying a backup and/or a restore: RMDAD_v0.0.1.zip
That will remove any 999/10 folders, flashable in TWRP. Please report back.
pannal – issuecomment-568148330
然而說到底,雖然明白了原因、也有了臨時方案,但終歸不是徹底的解決方案,因爲這樣會丟失部分資料。浅羽目前有使用「應用雙開」功能,第二個應用的資料是無法備份的(並且還會被刪除)。那麼爲什麼 TWRP 對此不做一些改進呢?
Time. Time for the TWRP devs to review the relevant patch on Gerrit. Be patient.
CaptainThrowback – issuecomment-519184663
Fix for this has been merged and will be included in the next official TWRP release.
CaptainThrowback – issuecomment-632764147
CaptainThrowback – issuecomment-635588958